- [icon type='menu']
- [icon type='earth']
- [icon type='link']
- [icon type='list']
- [icon type='cart']
- [icon type='home']
- [icon type='home-2']
- [icon type='star']
- [icon type='heart']
- [icon type='close']
- [icon type='cancel-circle']
- [icon type='google-plus']
- [icon type='feed']
- [icon type='twitter']
- [icon type='facebook']
- [icon type='vimeo2']
- [icon type='dribbble']
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- [icon type='twitter-2']
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- [icon type='vimeo2-2']
- [icon type='pinterest-2']
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- [icon type='earth-2']
- [icon type='link-2']
- [icon type='close-2']
- [icon type='heart-2']
- [icon type='dribbble-2']
- [icon type='menu-3']
- [icon type='quotes-left']
- [icon type='quotes-right']
- [icon type='eye']
- [icon type='bag']
- [icon type='basket']
- [icon type='basket-2']
- [icon type='search']
- [icon type='home-3']
- [icon type='arrow-up']
- [icon type='arrow-right']
- [icon type='arrow-down']
- [icon type='arrow-left']
- [icon type='pencil']
- [icon type='palette']
- [icon type='paint-format']
- [icon type='image']
- [icon type='images']
- [icon type='images-2']
- [icon type='camera']
- [icon type='camera-2']
- [icon type='music']
- [icon type='music-2']
- [icon type='headphones']
- [icon type='play']
- [icon type='movie']
- [icon type='camera-3']
- [icon type='camera-4']
- [icon type='gamepad']
- [icon type='gamepad-2']
- [icon type='connection']
- [icon type='mic']
- [icon type='mic-2']
- [icon type='book']
- [icon type='graduation']
- [icon type='file']
- [icon type='file-download']
- [icon type='file-upload']
- [icon type='folder']
- [icon type='folder-open']
- [icon type='tag']
- [icon type='tag-2']
- [icon type='tag-3']
- [icon type='tag-4']
- [icon type='tag-5']
- [icon type='cart-3']
- [icon type='bag-2']
- [icon type='credit']
- [icon type='calculate']
- [icon type='support']
- [icon type='phone']
- [icon type='phone-2']
- [icon type='phone-3']
- [icon type='envelop']
- [icon type='pushpin']
- [icon type='location']
- [icon type='location-2']
- [icon type='compass']
- [icon type='compass-2']
- [icon type='map']
- [icon type='clock']
- [icon type='clock-2']
- [icon type='print']
- [icon type='screen']
- [icon type='mobile']
- [icon type='tablet']
- [icon type='tv']
- [icon type='cd']
- [icon type='bubble']
- [icon type='bubbles']
- [icon type='user']
- [icon type='users']
- [icon type='user-2']
- [icon type='users-2']
- [icon type='tshirt']
- [icon type='hanger']
- [icon type='busy']
- [icon type='binoculars']
- [icon type='search-2']
- [icon type='expand']
- [icon type='contract']
- [icon type='key']
- [icon type='key-2']
- [icon type='unlocked']
- [icon type='lock']
- [icon type='wrench']
- [icon type='wrench-2']
- [icon type='cogs']
- [icon type='cog']
- [icon type='screwdriver']
- [icon type='hammer']
- [icon type='aid']
- [icon type='bug']
- [icon type='pie']
- [icon type='pie-2']
- [icon type='pie-3']
- [icon type='stats']
- [icon type='bars']
- [icon type='stats-up']
- [icon type='stats-down']
- [icon type='gift']
- [icon type='gift-2']
- [icon type='food']
- [icon type='leaf']
- [icon type='cup']
- [icon type='tree']
- [icon type='apple-fruit']
- [icon type='paw']
- [icon type='steps']
- [icon type='hammer-2']
- [icon type='atom']
- [icon type='lab']
- [icon type='magnet']
- [icon type='lamp']
- [icon type='remove']
- [icon type='airplane']
- [icon type='car']
- [icon type='bus']
- [icon type='truck']
- [icon type='boat']
- [icon type='cube']
- [icon type='pyramid']
- [icon type='puzzle']
- [icon type='glasses']
- [icon type='sun-glasses']
- [icon type='switch']
- [icon type='power-cord']
- [icon type='list-2']
- [icon type='grid']
- [icon type='cloud']
- [icon type='cloud-2']
- [icon type='upload']
- [icon type='download']
- [icon type='globe']
- [icon type='link-3']
- [icon type='link-4']
- [icon type='anchor']
- [icon type='flag']
- [icon type='attachment']
- [icon type='eye-2']
- [icon type='weather-rain']
- [icon type='weather-lightning']
- [icon type='weather-snow']
- [icon type='windy']
- [icon type='fan']
- [icon type='umbrella']
- [icon type='contrast']
- [icon type='heart-3']
- [icon type='thumbs-up']
- [icon type='thumbs-down']
- [icon type='thumbs-up-2']
- [icon type='thumbs-up-3']
- [icon type='people']
- [icon type='man']
- [icon type='male']
- [icon type='woman']
- [icon type='female']
- [icon type='smiley']
- [icon type='checkmark-circle']
- [icon type='cancel-circle-2']
- [icon type='checkmark']
- [icon type='plus']
- [icon type='minus']
- [icon type='play-2']
- [icon type='pause']
- [icon type='stop']
- [icon type='backward']
- [icon type='forward']
- [icon type='volume-high']
- [icon type='volume-mute']
- [icon type='volume-mute-2']
- [icon type='arrow-up-left']
- [icon type='arrow-up-2']
- [icon type='arrow-up-right']
- [icon type='arrow-down-right']
- [icon type='arrow-down-2']
- [icon type='arrow-down-left']
- [icon type='arrow-left-2']
- [icon type='arrow-right-2']
- [icon type='radio-checked']
- [icon type='circle']
- [icon type='square']
- [icon type='checkbox-unchecked']
- [icon type='paragraph-center']
- [icon type='paragraph-left']
- [icon type='paragraph-justify']
- [icon type='paragraph-right']
- [icon type='twitter-3']
- [icon type='facebook-3']
- [icon type='google-plus-3']
- [icon type='vimeo']
- [icon type='dribbble-3']
- [icon type='wordpress']
- [icon type='wordpress-2']
- [icon type='tumblr']
- [icon type='tumblr-2']
- [icon type='paypal']
- [icon type='paypal-2']
- [icon type='chrome']
- [icon type='firefox']
- [icon type='IE']
- [icon type='opera']
- [icon type='safari']
- [icon type='android']
- [icon type='apple']
- [icon type='feed-3']
- [icon type='delicious']
- [icon type='lastfm']
- [icon type='skype']
- [icon type='windows8']
- [icon type='windows']
- [icon type='flickr']
- [icon type='picassa']
- [icon type='deviantart']
- [icon type='brush']
- [icon type='eyedropper']
- [icon type='bubble-check']
- [icon type='bubble-user']
- [icon type='bubble-quote']
- [icon type='glass']
- [icon type='bottle']
- [icon type='mug']
- [icon type='rocket']
- [icon type='briefcase']
- [icon type='bike']
- [icon type='lightning']
Theme includes 258 retina ready icons. You can change their size and color and they will look great on any retina screen device.